Modern business integration is more than just connecting different systems. It’s about aligning the appropriate technology and data to create improved, more efficient processes that meet your business’s needs and goals for growth. It’s about making the most of your digital assets, and giving your business an advantage in competition.

Many small, mid-sized and large enterprises have IT systems that are a patchwork of applications that perform specific tasks, that aren’t able to communicate with each other. This is particularly true when companies adopt accounting software, supply-chain management and inventory tracking apps which each have their own set tasks. The result is that there are a lot of duplicate information in different systems that can no longer talk to each other.

These are the reasons why enterprises need to use business integration tools and technology to ensure the exchange of data with trading partners is safe and secure. These solutions must provide the full range of communication protocols, and support the specific formats demanded by each trading partner’s business or their location.

The best business-to-business (B2B) integration solutions help organizations streamline EDI and data flows between different systems onto one platform that has visibility and governance features that can help reduce costs. Businesses can gain an competitive advantage by improving the quality of data and visibility of their supply chain across trading partners. Business integration isn’t only about B2B communication, it’s about offering a seamless experience to trading partners that is focused on the bottom line.

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